Thursday, May 17, 2018

Superstes Noctis Discord Server

For the past year, Superstes Noctis has been a community on Twitch Messenger (previously Curse) due to tight Twitch integration. (See the post on that here) However, that integration couldn't outweigh the fact that the majority of members didn't use the service. People joined, but nothing really happened.

So we're finally making the move to Discord. The reasoning for this is rather silly: Discord integration was just added to Xbox One the day of this post, so I've just now made a Discord account. Now that the air is clear on that, let's never speak of it again.

The Superstes Noctis Discord server is going to be running the same way the old Twitch Messenger server was running (which, by the way, still exists but is not being supported any longer) and is open to all whitelisted members of the Superstes Noctis Minecraft server. Time will tell what role it plays, but it is now the official voice channel for users playing on the server and will hopefully fill a role while members are offline as well.

The structure of the Superstes Noctis Discord server is as follows:

  • [text] general: Conversation related to the Superstes Noctis server, excluding technical discussion.
  • [text] behind-the-scenes: Conversation related to the technical aspects of the server. Report problems here to keep them out of the main text channel, and I'll be sharing such things as well [provided I remember to do so]. If you don't care about this stuff, you can mute this channel without missing out on the main channel.
  • [text] off-topic: Members of Superstes Noctis love off-topic conversation. That's perfectly fine, but please keep it in this channel so those who wish to do so can mute it without missing out on the main text channel.
  • [voice] General: Join this voice channel while playing to chat with other members! You can join when offline too, but if there are any issues remember that online players get priority here.
  • [voice] Off-Topic: Similarly to the off-topic text channel, join here to talk about random stuff. Unlike text, off-topic conversation is technically allowed in the main voice channel as well... but if people are online and you're not, diverting here may be a good idea in certain situations to avoid anxiety-inducing, interruption-rampant conversation mazes that are inconvenient for online players. It's not an exact science.

There will surely be changes going forward, but this is how things are starting off over there. Questions? Contact Timothy (that's me!) for an invite to the Discord server (if you're a whitelisted Superstes Noctis member) and of course feel free to ask any questions. I'm not a Discord expert (for the reason explained above I said not to speak of again... so hush) but it's fairly intuitive and I'm learning fast. Here's hoping the Superstes Noctis Discord server enhances our continuing efforts to survive the night!