After the release of Minecraft 1.9, the game's community was very vocal about how they want more frequent updates rather than occasional, feature-packed updates. For better or for worse, Mojang listened: Minecraft 1.10 is here already, with few snapshots needed as there aren't many changes.
Honestly, 1.10 lacks that "wow" factor we've gotten from recent updates to the game. But since Superstes Noctis is a vanilla server, we're updating anyway; the server is now running the official release of Minecraft 1.10, even though we still haven't found Beetroot in new 1.9 chunks from that update yet! (The search for that continues)
Not only has 1.10 been finished so quickly, but supposedly 1.11 snapshots are right around the corner. If 1.10's lackluster changelog is any indication, we may not see any huge updates to the game anytime soon... and while personally I find that a shame, more frequent updates may turn out to be a nice thing after all. Whatever your personal opinion may be on this new strategy for Mojang's update releases, we continue to wish you the best of luck surviving the night.