Thursday, January 23, 2014

Boss Battle Roadmap

On the private Superstes Noctis server, the time is coming near to fight the Enderdragon and Wither. Because of this, the roadmap presented here was made to give a general timeline and order to the operations to be done as a part of this series.
  1. Collection of the Eyes of Ender
  2. Group Enderdragon Fight
  3. Enderdragon Egg Display Creation
  4. Nether Fortress Wither Skeleton Farming
  5. Wither Battle Location Scouting
  6. Group Wither Fight
  7. Mansion Courtyard Beacon Construction
Hopefully some dates will be available soon for these stages of the roadmap to make it easier to keep up-to-date with the events on the Superstes Noctis server.

Be sure to tune in to timmc94's YouTube Videos and Livestreams for footage of events in this roadmap. Thanks again for your support, and good luck surviving the night!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Welcome to Superstes Noctis!

Superstes Noctis has been around since November 2013, but due to the private nature of the server a public webpage was never created. Now that development is underway for the Noctis Fan Server, blogs have been created separately for both servers. Be sure to check out the blog for the Fan Server with public information at

Watch Superstes Noctis videos:
Watch Fan Server development videos: